Serie E40

Diameter Ø40mm Shaft type/Hollow type/Built-in type Incremental Rotary encoder

Diameter ø40mm shaft type/hollow type/built-in type incremental rotary encoder E40 Series newly adds Line Driver output supporting power voltage 12-24VDC range to allow more diverse user applications. Moreover, the series could be ideal solutions for narrow space by minimizing space limit. Small moment of inertia is another feature of the series to optimize user convenience.


  • Alimentación 12-24VCC de salida line driver (Modificado)
  • Fácil instalación en espacios pequeños
  • Momento de inercia pequeño
  • Alimentación: 5VCC, 12-24VCC ±5%
  • Varios tipos de salida


* Measurement of the length H-beam

aplicacion e40






especificaciones e40
